William Scarpitti has been a part of JUMPSTART for nearly ten years. He was a clerk in the Chaplain’s office and served as a table leader following his completion of the inside program. When William was released in December after almost seventeen years spent behind bars, he thought his next move would be to live in a local pastor’s home. However, God had greater plans in mind for William.
Once William arrived at the home for the JUMPSTART Outside Program, he knew without a doubt that he was where he was supposed to be. When he looked around, he realized he knew every single person that was there with him.
To him, “JUMPSTART is family; it is a community. It is accountability and responsibility. I wish everyone in the same situation I was in knew this and could experience the love that JUMPSTART and Christ have to offer.”
William was present one Sunday morning when Cary Sanders, CEO of JUMPSTART SC, delivered a message to the congregation of Second Presbyterian Church. William felt the importance of what Sanders communicated truly emphasized how valuable community engagement is in the lives of returning citizens. Sanders said, “People are going to get out of prison, and they will be on the same streets and in the same stores and restaurants as those in the community. If there is a community in place to welcome those re-entering society, not only will the community be a better place, but the revolving door of a life of crime and days in a cell can come to an end.” William believes that the heart of JUMPSTART revolves around the mission-oriented volunteers, staff members, and community who step in and invest in the lives of JUMPSTART participants.
William’s goals center around getting stabilized as an individual and reinitiating a relationship with his daughter, whom he has not seen since she was three years old. His motivation to finish JUMPSTART’s program is not only driven by these goals, but from his previous, independent efforts that did not work. He understands the power of community and accountability in accomplishing what God has in store for him. William hopes to remain involved with JUMPSTART through JUMPSTART’s landscaping enterprise and continue to give back to the organization and people that have so greatly impacted his life.
As William puts it himself: “Everyone is in my corner. They have all played a role in supporting me and my decision to continue with JUMPSTART.
Looking back, I can see where God has been laying bricks all along the way. Back then, I had no idea what I was doing as I walked His path, but now, I can see the perfect road ahead.”