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“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

 Jesus Christ 

Matthew 25:40 ESV

“Such an impactful video.”

Georgia Phillips

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Rob Whitner, JUMPSTART Mission Advancement

"From junior high on, drug and alcohol use influenced me and the choices I made. I was a college basketball prospect in high school, but attending school while intoxicated got me kicked off the team, ending that dream. Another decision involving alcohol in college cost me a semester of scholarship, and I never graduated.

I joined the Army but discovered crack cocaine, and soon, I would do anything to get high. A failed drug test resulted in my discharge. My life spiraled, leading to a crime that sent me to prison with a life sentence.

After twenty years in South Carolina prisons, I made parole and was released; it was a joyous occasion to be free! Today I am married to a godly woman, have a career, and am involved in ministry. 

JUMPSTART played an important role during my incarceration.  God has shown me a future greater than my past. By His grace, today I serve on the newly formed JUMPSTART NORTH CAROLINA Board of Directors. I intend to contribute a great deal of energy to this organization's future. 

By God's mighty power, and with your help, many more volunteers will join those shown below in going behind the razor wire in dozens of North Carolina prisons and more across the United States. 95% of the incarcerated population in our nation will one day be released. We intend to show thousands of men and women that if they will put in the work, there is a hope-filled path from inmate to productive citizen; and that JUMPSTART and its supporters believe they matter." 

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