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A Dedicated Duo


Fred and Terri, a dedicated husband-and-wife duo, have supported JUMPSTART since the beginning. They're true blessings to our Transitional Program participants, pouring in love and encouragement.

Fred and Terri have made a significant impact over the past 15 years. Their passion for serving others shines through in their work at JUMPSTART. They strive for participants' success, whether it's gaining sobriety, reconnecting with family, finding faith, or ministering to others.

"Love God and Love People" is a core value at JUMPSTART, shared by our incredible volunteers. Terri reminds us of Luke 10:26-27, emphasizing the importance of loving God and our neighbors. Fred and Terri embody this by supporting individuals returning from prison and helping them build brighter futures.

The transformation witnessed in others is awe-inspiring, and volunteering has shifted Fred and Terri's perspectives. They see each person beyond their past, focusing on who they are now—a friend who needs support and understanding.

Fred and Terri believe in JUMPSTART's future success and goals of completing Restoration Village, expanding programming in South Carolina and beyond, and empowering more lives.

"Always remember to surround yourself with a strong support system that will hold you accountable, encourage you to follow God's plan, and feed you spiritually." –Fred and Terri

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