The Back Story
What is now known as JUMPSTART began in the mid-1990s as an idea among a group of believers who met Christ while serving life sentences. They were heartbroken to see so many people released, only to be returned to prison a short time later. Many of those released were simply unprepared for the challenges they faced upon their return to the community. This group of believers was convinced that before being released, people needed to be prepared by securing a stable place to live and work, arranging transportation, attaining life skills training, and embracing accountability. As a result, JUMPSTART was founded to help others and to break the cycle of recidivism.
Over the years, the organization has experienced tremendous growth as lives have been restored from the inside out. Most of that growth has taken place in South Carolina where JUMPSTART began, but now the ministry also operates in Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida and in 2025, Texas. God has orchestrated many people, churches and organizations to develop JUMPSTART into a healthy and thriving organization. Growth and opportunities continue today because God is at work restoring broken lives as many discover Christ and realize their future can be greater than their past. We endeavor to join Him where He is already at work!
Our Heart

Our heart is for JUMPSTART USA to operate in a way that honors and glorifies God.
“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
~ Mark 12:30-31
We imagine a day when the back of recidivism is broken in our nation and beyond.
In partnership with donors, churches, and community partners, we are disciplining the incarcerated and assisting returning citizens with re-entry services.
Core Values
God’s future is greater
than our past.
Our Goal
100% Success for Those Who
Choose to be Successful
Keys To Success
Daily Surrender to Christ
Finding and Keep a Job
Setting and Keeping a Budget
Developing a Solid Support Team
Having Fun God’s Way

Ed Troha serves JUMPSTART USA as President. Prior to JUMPSTART, Ed was on the leadership team at the North Carolina Chamber where that state experienced great success advancing economic policy and job growth. He did similar work earlier in his career in Kentucky, Indiana and California. Ed founded and ran a small business for 9 years in Indiana. He is an avid encourager with a love for prison ministry and a desire
to help others realize their potential.
​Ed Troha
​ed.troha@jumpstartvision.org | 984-220-0486

Tommy Moore most recently served as President of JUMPSTART USA. Prior to that he served as Executive Director at JUMPSTART SOUTH CAROLINA where he led numerous initiatives that have successfully grown the ministry to where it is today. That includes the launch of Restoration Village, a one of a kind community helping men and women transitioning from lives in prison to productive citizens. Prior to JUMPSTART, Tommy was Chief Operating Officer of Lead Like Jesus, an international ministry with special emphasis on inspiring and equipping leaders.
Tommy Moore
Strategic Initiatives

Board Chairman
Daniel T. Sulton

Board Vice-Chair & Secretary
Bob Caldwell, Sr.

Board Member
Chris Phillips

Board Member
Steve Ford

Board Treasurer
Hugh Brantley

Strategic Advisor
Richard Moose

Strategic Advisor
Marcus Sheanshang

Strategic Advisor
Rob Whitner

Michael L. Smith

North Carolina
George Benner

Brian Moll

South Carolina
Cary Sanders
​State Leadership
“Remembering those who are in prison, as though in prison with them...”
~ Hebrews 13:3

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
~ Matthew 13:31-32
JUMPSTART USA and State Chapter Responsibilities